Refresh your resolution. Smile at your destiny.

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Refresh your resolution.
Smile at your destiny.

Gurumayi's Message for 1998

Gurumayi Chidvilasananda

Each new beginning brings a desire for change, a resolve to set a new course. In her poetic New Year's message for 1998, Gurumayi Chidvilasananda inspires seekers of the Truth to renew each shlning promise we have made to ourselves. Whether our goals are lofty or practical, when we hold our resolutions close to our hearts and let them reshape our actions, the energy of the entire universe supports us. Then we are filled with self-confidence and optimism, our lives dazzle with newness - and, quite naturally, we find ourselves smiling. In the light of this genuine, heartfelt smile, every facet of our destiny begins to shimmer. This message, which was delivered to students of Siddha Yoga meditation, is intended for all who walk the spiritual path. Gurumayi encourages us to keep ourselves light and to proceed on our journey with a fresh young spirit.

73:39 Minutes

CD ist in Englisch.