The Yoga of Discipline

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The Yoga of Discipline

Gurumayi Chidvilasananda

Gurumayi reveals that by developing discipline of the senses, we can experience the deeper joys of life and live fully in the awareness of God.

Through contemplating the talks in this volume, students learn how to cultivate yogic discipline and how to apply it to everyday activities. Chapters include Gurumayi’s teachings on how to bring yogic discipline to seeing, listening, eating, speaking, and thinking, so that we can, as Gurumayi says, “break through boundaries and reach the highest goal”.

Paperback, 1st edition, 1996, 264 pages, 8.4 x 5.4 inches

Englische Originalausgabe von Yoga der Disziplin - hier im Buchladen erhältlich.