Hari Hari Bol

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Hari Hari Bol

Chant mit Gurumayi Chidvilasananda

'This chant is a joyous exaltation of the name of God. Hari bol ecxclaims its melodious refrain. "Sing lhe name of Hari," the one who takes away our suffering, the one who captivates our hearts! Each verse rings out in celebration of an aspecl of the Lord, or lhe name of a great saint who has become one wilh Him. Sing lhe name of Mukunda, "granter of liberation"; sing of Madhava, "the sweet one." Chant the namc of Narahari, "the one who takes away our limitations." Bol! Sing of the perfect ones, Nityananda, "everlasting bliss," and Muktananda, "lhe bliss of freedom," of Kanupatra, Muktabai, and Janabai, the women saints who gave their lives to God. Praise the great beings who light the path for olhers und bestow their grace. This chant is a wave that lift you up and sweeps you along in its glory.

Hari Hari Bol was recorded with Gurumayi Chidvilasananda on August 8, 1991, at Shree Muktananda Ashram, South Fallsburg, New York.

CD 42:21 Minuten